Post-covid work: training for better management

Transport disruptions at the end of 2019 following pension reform, containment then deconfinement following the covid-19 pandemic… Since spring 2020, remote working has seen unprecedented development in France. This is completely reshuffling the management deck, prompting managers to train in new methods and postures. Solenne Muret, trainer for AFNOR Compétences, analyzes the phenomenon.
Has the Covid-19 pandemic changed the way we work?
Solenne Muret – Absolutely! Confinement has led to the use of previously under-exploited tools such as videoconferencing and shared digital workspaces. It has also had an impact on working relationships, with many employees finding themselves at home, far from their colleagues. Managers have been forced to encourage autonomy and trust. Trust is undoubtedly the key word in this experience! In three months, we’ve gained at least five years in terms of telecommuting deployment…
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