Do you deal with organic producers? You too can be AB

AFNOR Certification has obtained INAO approval to carry out inspections and issue the European Union's Organic Agriculture label to processors, distributors and importers of organic products.

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AFNOR Certification has obtained INAO approval to carry out inspections and issue the European Union’s Organic Agriculture label to processors, distributors and importers of organic products.

In France, the market for organic-labeled products grew by 15% in 2018(source Agence Bio). The debate on the distances within which plant protection products can be applied in the vicinity of dwellings plays into the hands of products that are exempt from this requirement, first and foremost organic farming products. Producers have their own specifications, controls and label, but downstream players who deal with these producers can also apply for the label.

AFNOR Certification is now authorized to deliver it. In October 2019, the AFNOR Group subsidiary obtained INAO approval to carry out controls and issue the European Union’s AB label, under the number FR-BIO-21, to processors, distributors and importers of organic products. Are you one of them? In this way, you can reassure your customers that your products are natural and authentic… and extend the producer’s approach right down to the shelf.

Agribusiness: from ISO 22000 to organic certification

For AFNOR Certification, this is a logical extension of its long-standing focus on the agri-food sector, starting with AFAQ ISO 22000 certification. More than 1,000 companies in this sector call on its services as an independent third-party organization to demonstrate that they are fully compliant with the most important international standards: ISO 22000 for food safety management, for example, but also ISO 14001 for environmental management and ISO 26000 for social responsibility.

Organic farming certification is regulated at European level, and in France by the Institut national de l’origine et de la qualité (INAO), a public administrative body under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. INAO entrusts controls to approved certification bodies. Only raw or processed products from organic farming can display the European organic logo (in the shape of a leaf) and the AB mark.