Professional alert system

The whistleblowing system is evolving to strengthen the protection of whistleblowers and limit the risks of corporate malpractice.

  • What? If you are a victim or witness of a serious incident (sexual or gender-based violence, personal or property safety violations, corruption, etc.) that has come to your attention in the course of your professional activity, and you would like to make a report.
  • Who to warn? A dedicated e-mail address, managed in complete confidentiality by the head of the legal department, is open to anyone, whether internal to the AFNOR group or external, to receive these alerts: Voir l'email
  • How? The conditions of implementation and the applicable procedure are explained in a document accessible on the respective websites of each AFNOR group entity.

Any misuse of this device (in bad faith or with malicious intent) may result in criminal penalties.