Professional training

The training market is constantly evolving. The 2018 law on the freedom to choose one’s professional future set the tone; now it’s time to consolidate the post-Qualiopi era and stand out in a demanding market.


Do you hold this certification, based on the 32 indicators of the French government’s national quality reference framework, and required by funders to continue operating in the conventional market? Get ready for your surveillance audit or renewal under the new provisions of the May 31, 2023 Order!


Are you new to Qualiopi certification? The AFNOR Group can help you make a success of your project.

And if you want to go further than just Qualiopi certification, the AFNOR group is at your disposal to help you:

  • differentiate yourself in your market,
  • broaden your area of expertise,
  • contribute your expertise in defining reference documents for the profession.

Qualiopi: training organizations, prepare for certification, follow-up or renewal!

As of January 1, 2022, you will have to demonstrate that you provide quality services. How? By introducing Qualiopi certification, based on RNQ, a unique reference framework listing 7 criteria and 32 quality indicators detailed by decree. This distinctive sign is now required to benefit from public and mutualized funding.

To secure your market, AFNOR Certification issues Qualiopi certification, for which it holds COFRAC accreditation, and its other distinctive quality marks (accreditation certificate n°5-0030, available on

Do you already have it? Now it’s time to make sure it stays that way! Prepare for your surveillance audit (18 months after your certification) or anticipate your renewal audit (no later than 4 months before your certificate expires). Because if you lose this distinctive sign, which is valid for three years, you risk losing your financing and your customers!

Do you have any questions about the changes to audit procedures introduced by the Order of May 31, 2023? See our FAQ.

1.1 Preparing for certification


To prepare you for your Qualiopi certification, training courses are regularly developed and updated.

1.2 Test yourself online


Before the audit, take an online test to assess your situation

1.3 Certifying your organization


Whatever your field of activity (training organization, VAE, CFA, skills assessment center), Qualiopi certification is a must.

1.4 Enhancing employee skills


The “Quality Manager in a Training Organization” training course equips your teams to prepare for Qualiopi certification with peace of mind.

Professional training players, differentiate your markets


To best meet the needs of companies and stand out in a fast-changing market, training organizations need to be innovative and demonstrate their awareness of technological (artificial intelligence, virtual reality, etc.), environmental and societal issues to their stakeholders.

The AFNOR Group and its subsidiary AFNOR Certification offer you a range of solutions to help you stand out from the crowd and demonstrate your added value:

2.1 Discovering ISO 21001 certification


ISO 21001 certification is the internationally recognized quality certification for education and training organizations (individualized learning, sustainable development, RGPD…).

2.2 Enhancing the skills of trainers and employees


The “disability referent” or “quality manager” training courses are a great way to enhance the image of your organization and your employees.

2.3 Demonstrate your CSR commitments


Based on the ISO 26000 standard, the Engagé RSE label is the benchmark for assessing your maturity in terms of social and environmental commitments.

2.4 Reassurance about data security


Demonstrate your awareness of cybersecurity issues and reassure your customers

Training organizations: develop your business model


To stay one step ahead, you need to develop your business in new fields. There are several avenues of development open to you:

3.1 Digitizing your offering


Making the transition to distance learning requires a methodical approach.

3.2 Making training courses eligible for the CPF


An undeniable asset for growing your training organization’s business, ensuring its sustainability and increasing its visibility among the working population, build your personal certifications according to the RNCP or RSCH systems.

3.3 Becoming an auditor


Go over to the other side of the fence and check training providers’ compliance with quality standards

Developing voluntary standards for vocational training

AFNOR runs commissions bringing together professionals committed to developing or updating voluntary standards dealing with vocational training issues. Mostly European or international, these documents define reference methods to help organizations speak the same language and support their activities. Tomorrow’s voluntary standards are being prepared today. And certainly not without you!

The hot topic of the moment: defining Soft Skills: https: //