Qualiopi: the main new features that concern you, applicable from September 1, 2023:

1. When am I considered a new entrant?

A new entrant is a training organization:


  • In its 1st year of operation
  • Beginning business in a new share category




  • For the initial audit, at least one service per action category must have been carried out (or at least started in the case of CFAs).
  • The duration of the surveillance audit is increased by 0.5 days.

2. What information do I need to send to my certification body?

Before each audit, the following information must be sent to your certifier:


  • A current educational and financial report, enabling you to check and adjust the duration of your audit if necessary.
  • A nominative and functional organization chart (whatever the size of your organization)
  • A description of your activity (sandwich courses? distance learning? certification courses? subcontracting? …)
  • Sales by share category

For new entrants: indicate sales to date of application


  • A sworn statement that you have not signed a contract with another certifier

3. What deadlines need to be anticipated to avoid certification suspension?

In view of the deadlines set in the decree for dealing with any non-conformities, we recommend that you meet the following deadlines:

Échéances pour éviter suspensions certification

Remember to contact AFNOR Certification ideally 8 months before your certificate expires to contract and schedule your renewal audit: See the email

4. How is the audit duration calculated in the case of multi-site certification?

For the surveillance audit, a new calculation formula applies to define the number of sites to be audited:


  • the sample is the square root of the total number of sites multiplied by 0.6, rounded to the nearest integer. The audit includes at least one site not audited in the previous audit.

Example: for an organization with 4 sites: 0.6 x √4=1.2 i.e. 1 site to be audited in addition to the central function.


  • For initial and renewal audits, the sampling formula is the square root of the total number of sites (or new sites), rounded off to the nearest whole number.

Example: for an organization with 4 sites: √4 = 2 i.e. 2 sites to be audited in addition to the central function

5. What are the minimum indicators audited during the surveillance audit?

  • indicators with non-conformities from the previous audit
  • indicators that can only give rise to major non-conformities: indicators 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 26, 27, 29, 31 and 32 (when applicable to the audited organization);
  • indicators 1, 17, 19 and 3 for the organizations concerned
  • for organizations that have benefited from extended duration conditions during the initial audit, the indicators that were not verified during the initial audit, applicable to the audited organization.
  • the sample of actions audited must be representative of the service provider’s activity over the reference period (since the last initial audit, i.e. around 18 months)

6. What are the requirements for displaying the certificate?

  • Your certificate must include the following new information:

– Reference to certification program

– Address of your certification body

– Your SIREN number (shown on your K-Bis extract and INSEE registration declaration)


  • You must display your valid certificate on your premises and website.
  • You must be able to send it on request