Our solutions for self-assessment and comparison

Energy sobriety plan, management of water stress and heatwaves, “green” investments and deployment of your 2030 transitions agenda, reinforcement of cybersecurity or deployment of zero net artificial development… the news is pressing, your stakes are high and the challenges multiple. How can we help you? To meet the challenges of transition and transform the region in a sustainable way, a global approach is required. Three key factors are essential to help you accelerate your projects by bringing coherence and efficiency. We offer you, mayors, elected representatives, DGSs and DGAs, three tools used by over 1,000 local authorities.

Le baromètre AFNOR Expérience citoyen met l’accent sur la satisfaction de vos usagers, cœur de mission et raison d’être du service public. Il permet d’étalonner la qualité de vos services via des audits-mystères de tous vos canaux d’accueil et de traitement des demandes des concitoyens.

Le baromètre AFNOR Performance publique interroge vos pratiques managériales : sont-elles tournées vers la réussite de votre transition écologique et sociale ?Qu’il s’agisse de vos projets, actions et investissements « verts », le baromètre AFNOR Performance publique évalue à travers une approche globale l’orientation, voire l’intégration de l’agenda 2030 et des objectifs de développement durable (ODD), au sein de votre organisation.

AFNOR Impulse : La mobilisation des femmes et des hommes à qui vous avez confié l’avenir de votre organisation : expérimentez AFNOR Impulse, afin de jauger l’implication et l’expérience de vos agents, avec une solution d’écoute, d’analyse et de remobilisation des collaborateurs qui allie une étude fine de leurs ressentis au travail et des actions concertées autour de vos projets prioritaires

Developing voluntary standards for territories

Renovating a town center, building an eco-neighborhood, developing a city block from a wasteland, facilitating accessibility, defining the concept of sustainable city and smart city, organizing signage on the public highway… Are you looking for solutions and best practices? You can help define these best practices: AFNOR gives you access to dedicated standardization committees. It’s a great way to exchange ideas with peers, to keep abreast of strategic developments, and to get to grips with the texts destined to become voluntary standards, so as to save time. Tomorrow’s standards are being prepared today. And certainly not without you!

Certifying your local authority

Take stock of your organization, your challenges and your constraints with our flash assessment. You’ll benefit from the vision of a local authority specialist to help you improve your organization and the quality of your services, whether your approach is in its infancy or well underway.
Discover our flash evaluation

The inter-ministerial plan reminded us of this when it was launched in October 2016: in local authorities too, differences in treatment exist between women and men. Given this situation, the Equal Opportunity and Diversity labels are structuring tools. Over 400 organizations use them.
Discover our Professional Equality and Diversity certification offers

Save energy on your territory

Local authorities own a large number of buildings that consume energy, at least for heating: schools, sports facilities, cultural venues, administrative buildings, etc. Activities assimilated, in whole or in part, to tertiary activities. Now,
the ELAN law of November 23, 2018
introduces an obligation to improve energy performance in tertiary buildings. Carrying out an energy study is the first thing to do, in order to initiate an action plan to reduce consumption by at least 40% by 2030, compared with a year that could be 2010 or later. Why not take the opportunity to get your energy management system ISO 50001 certified?
Several French local authorities
have already adopted this distinctive mark!

Would you like us to help you carry out an energy audit and define an action plan?
Discover our solutions

Is your energy management system ISO 50001 compliant?
Discover AFAQ ISO 50001

Training in public sector issues

If you’re a DGS or territorial manager looking for solutions to diagnose your organization and drive forward a dynamic transformation, discover our new range of training courses designed to optimize the performance of your public policies and the quality of your services to users.
Discover our training courses on the quality and performance of public action

From now on, public procurement must be exemplary and part of a public policy in its own right: promoting local activity and short supply chains, contributing to social inclusion through social clauses, rationalizing purchases to free up room for maneuver… But responsible purchasing can’t be improvised: go through the training phase!
Find out more about our responsible purchasing training courses

Streamlining processes, improving cross-functional management, aligning resources and objectives… Performance is not just a corporate prerogative! ISO 9001 remains the most appropriate approach for achieving this. Our training course will enable you to acquire an effective methodology for deploying a high-performance quality management system.
Discover our ISO 9001 training courses

Our selection of books for the public sector

M57 accounting: a twofold challenge for local authorities

From January 1, 2023, public managers will be liable to pay compensation for mismanagement. From January 1, 2024, the transition to M57 accounting will require local authorities to produce budgetary and financial regulations.

Afnor - RACI projectAFNOR is with you! On your behalf, we break down your budget preparation and budget execution processes into expenditure and income, to define the tasks and functionalities of each process. In application of the new responsibility of public managers, AFNOR helps you to associate the responsibility of a stakeholder with each process, according to the following criteria RACI matrix: R (who performs the task), A (who has authority and responsibility), C (who is consulted), I (who is informed)

Don’t be left on your own: you have the skills and know-how within your organization, and we can help you reveal, organize and promote them.