Kit for an unprecedented mandate

Many local authorities (re)discovered AFNOR during this health crisis, with the barrier mask model we made available to them on March 27. As such, we are proud to have supported their initiatives to stem the shortage at the most critical time.

In the words of French President Nicolas Sarkozy, “not everything can be decided so often in Paris”, and that’s why we’re continuing our efforts to help elected representatives and local authority managers make a success of their first term of office, with solutions that encourage local initiative and autonomy.

The AFNOR Group provides all territorial managers with turnkey tools and services to help them make the right decisions at the start of their term of office. Taking a constructive stock of the situation helps build trust. This is essential for the successful deployment of the first projects: you can count on us to help you.

Your calendar

When should an ODD diagnosis and citizen consultation be carried out? How to deploy the elected representative’s charter? We offer you an action plan, with turnkey tools.

Discover the schedule


Steering public policies

Question your strategic project, department management and the sustainable direction of your public action.

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financial management

Financial management

Evaluate your financial leeway to implement your mandate project and adopt a forward-looking approach to government grants.

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welcoming the public

Welcoming the public

Develop the resilience of your establishments open to the public: checklist of best practices, sanitary measures, remobilizing staff.

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Make a complete diagnosis


Steering public policies and your organization: take stock

Question your strategic project, the management of your services and the sustainable orientation of your public action; situate yourself in relation to other local authorities and identify your areas for progress; position your action in relation to the challenges to be met by 2030 (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals).

How does it work?

  • Fill in our free online questionnaire; a collective project for you and your team;
  • You can edit your self-evaluation report directly;
  • You go one step further by requesting a personalized report with recommendations from an AFNOR assessor: you're on the right track.
  • You're automatically in the running for the Trophées de la performance publique, awarded at the Territorialis trade show in late 2020.

Financial management: simulate your budget outlook and budget

Evaluate your financial leeway to implement your mandate project; save time by automating, via a secure platform, the management of your budget analysis documents: DGF – FPIC simulations, PPI module, borrowings, budget ratios, rate vote, creation of your budget orientation report; adopt a forward-looking approach to government grants and your future tax bases and ensure your ability to develop self-financing.

How does it work?

  • Please contact us for a presentation of the SAAS platform and a quotation;
  • We open the door for you and provide remote support from a dedicated consultant;
  • You are automatically in the running for the Trophées de la performance publique, awarded at the Territorialis trade fair at the end of 2020.

Increase the resilience of your territory by assessing all establishments open to the public

Rely on our range of services to help you resume operations in your establishments open to the public: a checklist of best practices; team training to help you work as efficiently as possible; confidence-building measures to reassure your contacts that you are complying with health regulations; and listening to your staff to help them get back on track.

How does it work?

  • Discover our à la carte services: some are free;
  • You engage your teams with an innovative listening system, to identify and address their fears, and learn lessons about the way they work;
  • You demonstrate to your stakeholders that you comply with precise sanitary rules.

Our partners

In partnership with idealCO, we have created the AFNOR&CO community, the village of citizen innovation & responsible territories. Join this initiative to transform territorial management and public action together!

As a partner of the AFNOR Trophées de la performance publique (Public Performance Awards), the SNDGCT leads communities of local authority managers throughout France. Join to benefit from the strength of a leading network, and to be supported in your functions.

SIMCO is a fintech dedicated to the public sector, enabling efficient management of all aspects of finance. Its digital platform helps local authorities make the right budget decisions quickly, autonomously and securely.

AFNOR Group at the service of territories

With 13 regional delegations offices, AFNOR has a local presence that is as close as possible to the regions and to your challenges. A facilitator at your side to identify best practices, support their deployment and train your teams in the essential requirements.

From crèches to tourist trails, from municipal police to the organization of major events or the revitalization of a city center, AFNOR has a wide range of services to meet all your quality challenges.

When you choose AFNOR, you choose a partner committed to performance and the challenges of tomorrow.

Halimah Pujol, Public Sector Delegate, AFNOR Group

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