Supplier Area

Our tenders

Our approach

The AFNOR Group is committed to implementing a responsible purchasing approach in the spirit of the voluntary ISO 20400 standard, and to building relationships of trust with its suppliers. Our responsible purchasing approach is an integral part of our
CSR policy
policy as one of its ethical components.

The aim is to acquire goods and services under the best possible conditions, while minimizing risks, with a rigorous focus on quality and service, for the ultimate benefit of our customers. We regularly refer new partners to meet the needs of our internal customers, and according to several contractual regimes: invitation to tender, simplified procedure.

The legal framework

In compliance with the rules of transparency, freedom of access and equal treatment of suppliers, AFNOR places its advertising notices online for purchases made under adapted procedures and below the threshold of European Directives 2004-18 “Market” and 2004-17 “Networks”, Decree no. 2005-1742 of December 30, 2005 setting the rules applicable to contracts awarded by contracting authorities mentioned in Article 3 of Ordinance no. 2005-649 of June 6, 2005 relating to contracts awarded by certain public or private persons not subject to the Contract Code.

Purchases above the EU directive threshold are published in the OJEU and can be consulted on the website
TED (Tenders Electronic Daily)