Becoming a certified SRI fund manager

SRI label

Created and supported by the French Ministry of Finance, the SRI label raises the profile of socially responsible investment products in France and Europe. These responsible investments reconcile economic performance, social impact and environmental impact. They finance companies that contribute to sustainable development, in all sectors of activity.

For savers who want to give meaning to their investments by opting for responsible investing, the SRI label makes it possible to identify at a glance which funds meet their expectations, with the seal of objectivity. These certified funds provide a recognized guarantee that the investment made will promote a responsible economy. And for fund managers, holding a responsible label is a real visibility booster, enabling them to stand out from the crowd.

SRI label: a guarantee of socially responsible investment

AFNOR Certification is one of the independent bodies authorized to award the SRI label, following a strict process. The aim is to provide a single point of reference for savers wishing to participate in a sustainable economy by opting for responsible investments. Objective: to combine economic performance with reduced social and environmental impact. Several criteria are scrutinized as part of this socially responsible investment labeling process:

Infographic LABEL ISR

Once they’ve earned it, label fund managers enjoy a number of advantages:


  • Guarantee their customers transparency and traceability of their investments
  • Stand out from the competition
  • Reassure their customers by guaranteeing a fund that is part of a sustainable economy, audited by an independent certification body.