Training for careers in the circular economy

The circular economy embraces the company’s entire production system. Life cycle assessment (LCA), diagnostics, deployment of new production and consumption methods that preserve natural resources… A wide range of expertise is mobilized to successfully transform our business model with a view to ecological transition!

For a circular economy project manager, an environmental manager, a CSR manager or a sustainable development manager, acquiring new skills is essential for success.

Advanced training with AFNOR Compétences

AFNOR Compétences supports companies and institutions in this objective with a wide range of training courses:

  • Principles of the circular economy
    Understanding the mechanisms, discovering the levers for moving from a linear to a circular economy, identifying the conditions for success, drawing up a roadmap.

  • Eco-design
    to integrate this approach (central to the circular economy) into your products and services, identify assessment tools and appropriate methods.

  • Nanomaterials
    Nanomaterials: to assess risks, use appropriate means of prevention, manage and recycle waste containing nanomaterials

  • Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
    LCA: to assess the environmental impact of our products and services over their entire life cycle, from well to wheel, from cradle to grave, and to take a critical look at the LCA results of our suppliers and competitors.

Mastering these concepts is also a means of accessing the fundamentals of management systems linked to energy and ecological transition: ISO 14001, ISO 26000 and ISO 50001. AFNOR Compétences offers a full range of training courses to help you learn about the circular economy and apply its principles to your business.