Upgrade your skills

A range of training courses to suit all profiles

To grow, you have to know how to adapt, renew and evolve. As a reference organization, AFNOR Compétences offers you a complete range of training, coaching and consulting solutions. His mission? Guarantee, enhance and certify a market-recognized increase in skills to enable you to build projects that match your ambitions.   Behind this commitment are nearly 300 qualified trainers and a large network of seasoned professionals to support you, from the definition of your needs to the deployment of a pertinent response.

Support solutions that draw their inspiration from the operational needs of each individual, on all the strategic themes linked to today’s world: quality, safety, environment, metrology, energy efficiency, digital confidence, CSR, QWL and much more.

This wide-ranging offer adapts to your objectives: individual or group learning, distance or face-to-face, from assessment to skills certification. With the aim of unlocking the potential of every employee, AFNOR Compétences is always on the lookout for fun, innovative teaching methods to meet the challenges of today and tomorrow. A comprehensive, personalized approach to help your talents grow together.

Distance learning: all our virtual classes

The health crisis linked to the covid-19 pandemic has shaken up the continuing education sector. Many trainees and trainers are unwilling or unable to visit the site. Fortunately, the Internet is here: AFNOR Compétences has migrated many training courses to virtual classroom formats. This enables direct, real-time interaction with the trainer and other participants, around a shared teaching aid, just like in a traditional training room. Access to the virtual classroom is easy, and requires no special equipment apart from a computer and a reliable Internet connection.

Supporting figures

95% satisfaction rate
650 training products
13,300 people trained
43 training centers, 31% of which are international
39% of distance learning activity
42% oftraining courses with recognition system

Fun, educational and innovative methods

AFNOR Compétences places innovation at the heart of its training programs, and our team of trainers can design innovative digital or face-to-face teaching tools for you: professional social networks, e-learning, serious games, online trainee areas, performance tests, e-books, association games, brain games and mime games, quiz boxes, mock tests…

Recognition schemes to enhance your skills

AFNOR Compétences offers recognition schemes ranging from simple validation to certification of the implementation of new knowledge in the field. AFNOR Compétences is the first training organization to have CPF codes for its auditor and energy efficiency expert training courses.

Diploma and badge courses

Long-term training courses in partnership with leading schools and universities – Mines de Douai, ESQESE- Paris Descartes, KEDGE – enabling you to gain recognition as a Master, RNCP, DU, BADGE or specialized Master.

Certifying training courses

Training validated by the presentation of a professional project and an examination by a panel of experts, and rewarded by a certificate of professional achievement or personal certification issued by independent certifying bodies.

Theme trails

Comprising several training courses, these courses provide an opportunity to delve deeper into a particular theme, technical subject or area of expertise. These courses can be followed either face-to-face or blended-learning.