Impact measurement in sustainable finance: in search of practices

On May 14, 2024, AFNOR invites you to discover the value of voluntary standards in guiding the world of finance towards ecological and societal transition.

For some years now, regulators and public and private organizations have been banking on financial instruments to accelerate the ecological and social transition. It has become imperative to gradually equip the world of finance with tools to measure the impact of investments and redirect them towards more virtuous and responsible sectors, organizations and projects.

Indeed, today’s financial players lack the appropriate tools to guide their financial strategy towards sustainable and responsible flows in an informed and comparable way, and also to advise consumers appropriately. That’s where the voluntary standard comes in!

The aim of future standard-setting work is to develop universally recognized methods and best practices in financial analysis for sustainable and responsible investment, and to enhance the skills of the professions involved.

Private and public banks, insurance companies, consulting firms, brokers, business law firms, chartered accountants, public authorities… It’s time to get involved! We’ll explain it all in a free web-conference on May 14, 2024 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., hosted by Mélanie Raimbaultdevelopment manager for sustainable organizational performance and Mélissa de Medeirosstandards project manager at AFNOR with Emmanuel MillardPresident of ICFOA and Richard TournebizeCEO of Opalhe Group. Tomorrow’s standards are being prepared today. And certainly not without you!

The program

  • Context and challenges of the future standard: needs, reality, prospects
  • The contribution of standards work to your organization
  • Why is your involvement and contribution important?
  • Q&A

Participation is free, but registration is compulsory.

Informations essentielles

10:00 - 12:00
Format/Lieu de l'événement