Responsible purchasing: a lever for economic performance and innovation!
Improving supply chain risk management, controlling real purchasing costs, innovating in supplier relations – these are just some of the challenges facing the purchasing function today!
The AFNOR group invites you to this interactive meeting to exchange concrete examples, share practices and tools, and discover the international standard ISO 20400, which defines the principles and guidelines for responsible purchasing.
Points to be discussed at the meeting
- Responsible purchasing – Principles and recommendations: what does the voluntary ISO 20400 standard say?
- Examples for a practical approach to responsible purchasing :
- Risk management: risk mapping, supplier risks, etc.
- Reporting: choosing and using the right indicators
- An online tool for tracking indicators and benchmarking: Indiko « Responsible Purchasing ».
Whether you’re a buyer, a specifier or a quality, safety, environment or CSR manager, implementing a « responsible purchasing » approach will enable you to better meet the challenges facing your organization.
Improve your supply chain risk management, control the real costs of your purchases, innovate in your relationships with your suppliers…
The AFNOR group will shed light on responsible purchasing practices within organizations, based on their feedback.
Participation is free, but registration is compulsory
This event is over. Thank you for your entries!